The latest footage from the upcoming PlayStation VR game Rigs looks actually decent (shown below). While it’s difficult to recreate VR based footage via straightforward video, the latest footage does a good job of conveying what the game will be like. It looks good too and better than I was expecting. My only minor gripe is that the weapon shot effects look somewhat lacklustre but I am willing to give the game some slack as it is a launch title for the new hardware and the rest of it looks good. The Japanese and Australian version of the game are listed for release on the 13th October, which would make sense as that also coincides with the release of PlayStation VR itself. It’s likely that the US release will be similar, considering how badly Sony needs games to support their new VR push.
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Along with Hawken coming to Xbox One, the game will also be released on PS4. The latest trailer (shown below) also clarifies that the game will also remain free-to-play on consoles. Considering that whole monetization setup killed Hawken on PC, I had hoped they would have gone back to the game’s origins and do something more standalone. I still think the fact that Hawken wasn’t released as a straightforward downloadable arcade game on the 360 is one of the biggest missed opportunities of the last console generation.
The game is now being handled by Reloaded Games and 505 Games. Thus far, they seem to be doing a better job than Meteor Entertainment did, as they pretty much killed the community through overt greed and incompetence. I feel sad for the old team at Adhesive Games though, as seeing their work resurrected like this must be difficult.
That said, Hawken is finally getting a wider release. Let’s hope that this time the game survives a bit better and finds the audience on console it so badly needs.

Last November; Indie developer Dreamloop Games released Stardust Galaxy Warriors to Steam, and… well. It seems hardly anyone noticed. Ourselves included.
What is it? It’s a casual, mecha themed shmup game featuring local co-op. It’s also sporting some great stage visuals, as well as an incredibly fun soundtrack which you can actually listen to here! It’s also available for purchase on Steam. You can choose from 4 different mecha, each with their own abilities, as well as selecting your weapon setup before launching. The game also boasts some light RPG elements, as you can choose different upgrades after beating a stage. This game certainly is fun, and if you’re the kind of person who likes to customize their experience; you can switch things up in the options. Giving you the options for things like enemy durability, fire rate, and more. The game can change as you want it.
With just 38 reviews on steam right now, this title really didn’t receive a lot of attention. Something I don’t quite understand. While researching the game in order to write this small article, I’ve found those who have played it seem to love it. The devs are nothing to turn your nose up at either it seems, as they’re quite passionate and really care about providing a quality product. As this Steam review I found highlights. I really look forward to seeing what Dreamloop has in store for the future. You can view the trailer for Stardust Galaxy Warriors below.

Posted on : 11-05-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

Remember Hawken? The game that promised so much, only to dash all of that against the jagged rocks of an abysmally implemented free-to-play business model. Well, Hawken still survives and while the companies behind the scenes have shifted around somewhat the game still limps on. However, the good news here is that finally Hawken is coming to console. As a Taiwanese rating entry lists the game as coming to Xbox One courtesy of 505 Games. Bear in mind though, Hawken was originally meant as a console game so it seems that it is finally coming home.
We always loved the Kow Yokoyama infused mecha designs, despite the fact the creative team behind it said that they weren’t mecha at all. Fun times. The game was good too and had a great arcade sensibility to it, it’s just a pity that the approach to monetization was completely awful. These days you can still play the game on PC but it will be interesting to see how Hawken will do once it finally reaches console.

Posted on : 11-05-2016 | By : Cacophanus | In : News

If like me you saw Fallout 4’s power armour, and began to imagine the Gundam or mecha related possibilities in that through modding. Then like me you’re probably pretty disappointed, and a little confused at the lack of such mods. Even after almost 6 months since release, and more than a week since the G.E.C.K was released… Nadda, zip, zilch, and boy have I looked.
It’s not all bad news however, as mod author Artesia58 came up with a sound effects replacement mod named Ultimate Robot Sound that replaces the standard power armor sounds with ones from Mobile Suit Gundam. Not only that but an optional file also replaces the laser rifle’s stock sfx with that of the Gundam’s famous beam rifle, the V.A.T.S noise with the Newtype flash, AND replaces the “flames” paint scheme for the T-45 power armour with a Char’s Custom scheme instead. Over all I’m pretty impressed, and it works really well in game. It’s just tons of fun.
I went ahead and made a small video to demo the mod, which you can view below. So if you’ve got Fallout 4 and you really want a little more Gundam in it. I can’t recommend this mod highly enough.

Posted on : 28-04-2016 | By : Tollmaster | In : News

As part of their Golden Week sale, Sony’s PSN store is offering deep discounts on the original PSone Armored Core and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Each are available for $2.99, and 25% cheaper than that with PS Plus. I’m not sure what mechanical war machines have to do with Golden Week, but it’s clear evidence that Japan has cooler holidays than anyone in the West.
For those of you asking if Tron Bonne counts as a true mecha game: if it’s a machine, if there’s a pilot, if it has legs, and if one of those legs could stomp a human skull into mash, then that’s a mecha. Sale ends on May 2nd.

Posted on : 22-04-2016 | By : donkey show | In : News