News: Gundam Battle Operation Next Is Finally Released
Posted on : 29-08-2015 | By : Cacophanus | In : News, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4
The sequel to the first freemium Gundam game by Bandai Namco is now finally out in the wild. Compared to the beta version Gundam Battle Operation Next is definitely an improvement, in regards to general movement and controls, but it’s still pretty underwhelming. Bear in mind we’re in Japan so server issues and lag aren’t really a problem but even then the game is not exactly great. While it may look similar to the Gundam Breaker games, the core team behind that didn’t work on this (which likely explains why the gameplay element feels so disappointing). In any case, the game is now out on both PS3 and PS4 so you can see for yourselves what it’s like.

Does it at least work as opposed to the Beta?
It works a bit better but not by much really.