Videos: Three New Units Added to Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost Roster
Posted on : 16-03-2015 | By : donkey show | In : Videos
Hardware: Arcade
Three new suits will be added this month to Gundam Extreme Versus Maxi Boost, Gundam Harute from Gundam 00: A wakening of the Trailblazer, and Deathscythe Hell and Heavyarms Kai from Gundam Wing TV. The first is essentially a brand new entry in the 3000 category and looks to be much more in line with the fighting style of Allelujah/Hallelujah Haptism with a nice mix of long, mid, and close range attacks. His previous entry with Arios felt too tame both at the 1000 and 2500 cost in Full Boost and Maxi Boost respectively. The next two units are like the clone units we’ve seen come into the fray since Full Boost DLC came into play last year for the Playstation 3 version. Both Deathscythe Hell and Heavyarms Kai are 2000 cost units that appear to have very similar movesets to their Endless Waltz versions with some apparent changes, such as a drop in speed and the inclusion of the Buster Shield attack for Deathscythe Hell and the inclusion of the famous twirling knife melee attack for Heavyarms Kai. It will be interesting to see if the drop in cost and gameplay changes make them formidable, similar to how the Gold Frame Amatsu Mina Custom clone at 2500 cost is well received in comparison to its original 2000 cost version. Hopefully we’ll hear of a home console version soon, but until then check out the teaser videos for each of the units below!