Toys: Zone of the Enders figures on the way
Posted on : 10-02-2011 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits, Videos
Hardware: PlayStation 2
Over at at the RIOBOT official blog and in amongst some of the recent Wonder Festival 2011 Winter coverage is a teaser that some Zone of the Enders figures are on the way. Specifically, figures from Anubis (or the 2nd Runner as it was known outside of Japan). Whilst we are somewhat unimpressed with the ZOE games as a whole, the production standards and especially Yoji Shinkawa’s amazing mecha designs are something we greatly admire. Considering that none of the mecha have ever been released in toy form, this announcement is wonderful news (doubly so as the RIOBOT line is already renowned for its finesse of sculpt). Whilst there is no specific release date set (bar sometime next year), the three announced figures thus far are Jehuty, Vic Viper and Anubis. Whether Vic Viper will transform remains to be seen but we can but hope.

This is awesome news! I’m a massive fan of the series so I have to purchase these!
…I’m still holding out hope for a 3rd game in the series (even if Anubis/second runner pretty much closed the story line)
They more or less closed the storyline surrounding the creation of Jehuty, but I feel there’s a lot of unanswered questions about the nature and creation of metatron, as well as the final outcome of the Martian revolution.
Like Cacophanus, I personally feel that the game had some great ideas with a few points of poor execution, but I’d love to see Konami make the game they were trying to make. I didn’t like the first Metal Gear game, but sometimes it takes a few tries to get the idea “right”, as they did with Metal Gear Solid.
Hell, a ZoE3 would be a must buy for me if they just included a full mode based upon the mission in ZoE2 where Jehuty and the Vic Viper lead an assault alongside a force of grunt UNSF units. Imagine that with multiplayer, where one fellow is making a frontal assault on the enemy, another is immobilizing your own troops so the third player can heal them faster, with a fourth unit keeping the heat off the two healers.
Good points, Tollmaster. I own (still!!) both ZOE games, and while I love them very much, I acknowledge the flaws that were present in them. They did–at least, to me–improve things in the second game.
A third ZOE game would be very nice to see, considering the power of the current generation of consoles and online gameplay. I’m not a hardcore fan of online gameplay–I have my own gripes about the move to concentrate solely on online/multiplayer while telling single/solo players to take a hike–but you know what? Online multiplayer could work well with ZOE 3.
(Then again, they could release it on the PSP…Konami has done a great job with MGS: Peacewalker, so they do know how to utilize the system, so….)
I am hoping that the toys look great, and that they will sell well enough to guarantee more.
Good point. They seemed to introduce loads of extra characters and sub plots in the fist of mars gba game and the anime series (more the movie as it was a prequel; not so much with the series) that could be brought across into a 3rd game.
I’ll probably wait and see if Kaiyodo does more than just the Jehuty Revoltech…
No doubt the RioBot figures will look good… But judging from their prices… it’ll probably be twice the price for a similar sized figure…
But that really hasn’t stopped me before…
Oh boy time to start saving, about time the best mecha game had some kind of figures, ZOE3 online? nah leave that to the border break’s of this world, ZOE3 would be better in the same vain as vanquish, just a hardcore single player that you just love to beat over and over again, theirs not many games like that anymore imo.