Toys: Temjin Ver. Ka Site Update
Posted on : 25-06-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: Arcade, PC, PlayStation 2
The wondrous news of a MBV-04-G Temjin toy on the way has finally manifested itself via an official site from Bandai. Despite specifying both the release date for October this year and the price of 5,040 yen, the site also sports the “theme tune” of sorts for Temjin (or more accurately the stage music where you face Temjin in the original Virtual On). Called In The Blue Sky it’s been a recurring anthem of sorts for the series as a whole. The site also shows a curious lighting effect for the beam sword, whether this is a photoshop special (most likely) or an actual feature remains to be seen. In addition to the site going live there’s also an interesting interview with Juro Watari (effectively the “creator” of Virtual On) over at the official Virtual On site about this new toy.

Nice update, guys. Good to see that things are proceeding well for this…
I wonder if anyone’s got a translation for the Juro Watari interview?…
Click the main image screen on the Composite Ver. Ka website. It cycles with a dashing sound.
I don’t think the previous sub-sites received this much TLC, compared to Temjin’s. 🙂
Indeed! It’s very clear the people at Bandai are obvious fans of Virtual On.