Toys: Getter 1 by Sentinel
Posted on : 07-04-2014 | By : Cacophanus | In : Toys/Kits
Hardware: PlayStation Portable
Courtesy of our good friends at HobbyLink Japan, we’ve been sent a toy from Change!! Shin Getter Robo to review. Specifically, the Getter 1 by Sentinel that’s on sale. In addition, to give the toy some context, we’ve also linked some anime and gameplay footage of it in action at the end of the review.
For those that have followed the site, you’ll know that this is not the first time we’ve covered Getter Robo, as we reviewed the Aoshima figure not that long ago. Much of the toy’s background is covered there, so give it a read if you’re curious. Instead we’ll talk more directly about this new toy and how it compares to previous entries.
The first thing to note is that much like the other Sentinel toys, this is very well engineered and comes with a price tag to match. This is also one of thew newer T-REX modeled figures from Sentinel as well, so unlike the the Riobot range (which is also excellent) these often have some very interesting and additional articulation.
Following on from their Black Getter figure, this uses much of the same molding but also comes with different peripherals (notably that of the uber gatling cannons from the anime).
Anyway on with the review.
Toy: Getter 1 by Sentinel
Price: 9,800 yen
Size/Weight: 29.0 x 23.0 x 8.0 cm / 620g
This toy is basically made of joints, as we haven’t seen articulation like this from a mainstream release before. The joints have joints, it’s hugely impressive. The corollary of this is that the poses you can pull off are fantastic. As with other Sentinel releases you also have a stand available, if you want to more aerial based poses. The build quality is also of a very high standard, with lots of diecast and the figure feels nicely weighty.
In terms of gimmicks, bar the insane joints, the toy is pretty simple. You get two Getter Tomahawks as well as the gatling cannons. The mantle is also made of a decent fabric that has skeletal wiring (so you can pose the cape basically). You can also swap out Getter’s face with a more menacing looking one, which we prefer in fact.
Overall then this is a truly lovely figure of a classic design and whilst it is pricey, it is totally worth it. The sculpt and articulation are amazing, so it seems that T-REX proved their reputation true yet again. As such we can thoroughly recommend this to fans of the series and mecha toy lovers alike.