News: Senjou no Kizuna Summer Battle
Posted on : 05-08-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: Arcade
As part of a summer campaign for Senjou no Kizuna, to tie in with the game’s recent Ver 2.17 update, players will be able to win new mobiles suits to play with. The four mobile suits in questions are the RX-78-6 Mudrock Gundam, the MSM-10 Zock, the RGM-79L GM Light Armor and the EMS-10 Zudah. In order to unlock each suit, the player needs to either win a match as either Federation or Zeon, for the Mudrock and Zock respectively, or lose with either side to get the weaker GM Light and Zudah. On a separate note, seeing the Mudrock in action since the excellent Zeonic Front is very welcome indeed. This “summer battle” campaign will only be in arcades for a short while though, starting on August 12th to the 25th. However, the camapign will also be extended in September as well. If you want to see the new suits in action, there are videos on the campaign page at the official Senjou no Kizuna site.

The Zogg’s attack seems pretty over the top -and I can’t get used to the long range suit’s golf swing mechanic for the shoulder mounted stuff.
I still really want one of these pods in my house! You probably have to buy them in sets of four though…