News: OG mecha update for Another Century’s Episode R
Posted on : 29-07-2010 | By : Cacophanus | In : News
Hardware: PlayStation 3
Gpara have a nice update on the recently announced OG mecha from Super Robot Wars appearing in Another Century’s Episode R. From the Cybuster, above, to the ART-1 and Alteisen Riese the new OG units look stunning in game and it’s amazing to think it’s taken four games for them to be even featured. In addition to the OG unit update, Gpara also has an interview with Acid Black Cherry about his single Re:Birth that will be used in the game.

Oh come on, just give me the R-1. Chainsaws just aren’t the same as Knuckles.
I’d like a Valsione R alongside that but… y’know, fanboys can dream
Huckebein series needs more love.
On another note, lack of Ms. Shimatani makes me a sad panda – but I’ll probably buy it anyway.