In a very rare move, the lovely people at From Software have done a video touring the studio. With Eiichi Nakajima as our host, he does a whistle stop tour of the office and quickly introduces us to various people around the studio whilst giving an overall take on why they enjoy developing different games from what has gone before. The likes of Toshifumi Nabeshima (pictured above), basically the father of Armored Core, also make a brief appearance. The video is linked below and it’s also subtitled in English, in case you were wondering.

2:36 look at all hose models! Aww man, looks like Cacophanus’ desk. O.O
Seems like they are in the same building as Banpresto was in. SRW Z came with a special behind the scenes video similar to this and the building and layout looks awfully similar.
I think Banpresto might have moved since the merger into BB Studio though.
Great insight non the less! The guys at From Soft seem pretty cool.
“From Software’s philosophy is not to get caught up chasing what’s popular, but rather to make games based on what we value.”
If only more companies were like that, we wouldnt have clones of Gears/GOW or COD that flood the market.
Indeed. It is pretty nice to actually see inside the studio and get a look at how these folks work on the many games and series I love so much. I’m a bit saddened that it took so long for the company to gain significant notoriety in the West, but I’m very glad they are finally getting their due.
“The most important thing I want a player to experience when playing our games is a sense of achievement.” Well, they’ve been succeeding in that goal for a good long time, and Dark Souls and ACV look prepared to continue the tradition.
[…] has been delayed to January 26th for the Japanese release. It’s quite promising that the development team seems to be quite dedicated to bringing out a truly polished […]